About Us

The Birth of Phi Eta Psi Fraternity

Founded in 1965, Phi Eta Psi Fraternity combines the opportunity for lifelong friendship and service to others with academic excellence, cultural awareness, and community involvement. Aspirations of these visionary men, the founding fathers, based the solidarity of the Fraternity on three main tenants:

  • To strive for and achieve academic excellence.
  • To instill and maintain a strong sense of brotherhood, self-pride, cultural growth, and awareness.
  • To foster economic growth, social balance, and community engagement.

Committed to these tenants, these determined African-American men set out on the mission of establishing a fraternal brotherhood of men, spreading the inspirational message of black unity, cultural growth, leadership, and economic empowerment while simultaneously achieving success at all institutions of higher education. Phi Eta Psi Fraternity is built on the foundation of true trust and belief in oneself and one's brother. The everlasting fraternal bond of "brotherhood" from one brother to another is a treasured experience. Offering the "Green and Gold" roadmap for success to:

  • Participate in mentoring initiatives to achieve end-state goals and objectives.
  • Utilize scholarship platforms to provide support for current and future leaders.
  • Inspire and motivate new leaders to become productive members of society.
  • Explore internship opportunities in various occupational disciplines.

We value strong academic achievement through the incomparable brotherhood that is matched only by the individual dedication of its members. Over decades of progress, we have only to look across the nation and experience the gratification of our efforts in expanding our sacred Brotherhood. Phi Eta Psi Fraternity has continued on the road of fraternity expansion and has established undergraduate chapters, colonies, alumni chapters, and at-large members throughout the United States and the world. We are determined to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming "The Greatest Fraternity in the World."

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